<![CDATA[Studio Avani - Thoughtful Inquiries]]>Thu, 02 Jan 2025 14:24:40 -0500Weebly<![CDATA[Reflections on the Eclipse]]>Sun, 26 May 2024 15:40:01 GMThttps://studioavani.com/thoughtful-inquiries/reflections-on-the-eclipsePicture

For me the eclipse evoked a deeper call to trust. 

When I look at the world today and it boast's its sophistication and progress, nevertheless, when I observe, when I investigate, I am dubious. 
 I would suggest that our rituals remain bound to beliefs of the past.   

Sure, we may not kill the goats to preserve the harvest, and we may not hurl innocent lives into a fire to liberate the sun from its darkness, but in our modern beliefs, in our modern day perceptual dominance of nature, it is evident that

we continue to limit our minds to the majesty of the bigger/unseen horizon.  

Humans are being asked to expand beyond the notions that we can change the tides of life. 

So much of our current science is rooted in dominance and the quest to live longer.  

As I investigate, it feels more appropriate if we organized and oriented our vision towards a mindset of enjoyment.  

We all are aware of the undeniable truth that this journey will come to an end.
Change is the foundation of this living world.

Every child understands this reality, and yet somehow, it feels as if we still believe we can outwit nature.   

My invitation, for this reflection, is for us not to despair in the presence of this Truth, but rather step into this reality with and open heart captivated by wonder and awe.  

The eclipse is upon us, the sky is dark.   Fret not. 
Put down the efforts to manipulate the infinite.   Rather, step back, settle in and enjoy the dance that is here.  

We live in a time of great knowledge.  

Let us use this knowledge, not to plunge more deeply into fear and its nature of control.
After all, these are merely antiquated actions of the past, but instead, harness this  knowledge to set us free. 

Let us use our Science, our investigation, to See that we never had to fear the darkening of the sun, the receding of the tide, nor the fading of form.  

Can we arrive at the understanding that energy prevails?

​You, at your core are bound, timelessly to this energy.  

So much joy to you.  Enjoy the spectacle.  

<![CDATA[Injury & Pain as Opportunity]]>Mon, 25 Jan 2021 00:35:46 GMThttps://studioavani.com/thoughtful-inquiries/injury-pain-as-opportunity
These bodies are designed to heal.
When we balance the stressors of living with adequate rest, proper nutrition, and hydration we serve to witness our bodies thrive. 
Maladies are not obstacles. Rather, they are opportunities to rediscover where our imbalances reside. 
Are we not sleeping enough? Are we not moving enough?  Are we eating foods that drain us? 
Or are we lost in a storm of stressful thoughts?
Perhaps, these questions seem daunting, but if we pause and use the injury to direct us, we soon learn that it is not an enemy, bur rather a friend pointing us to our mastery.  
Fret not.  Life is guiding.  
Medicines of breath, movement, rest, and meditation surround us, and they hold power. 
Fret not, you are being led to live a more vibrant life. 
​This pain is your friend. 
<![CDATA[On Growing Up]]>Sat, 02 Feb 2019 18:05:36 GMThttps://studioavani.com/thoughtful-inquiries/on-growing-upPicture
I sat the other night in deep meditation. Words can not express the unfolding, but alas, I humbly try. Here I sit as a man in my mid years, and although I feel vibrant, healthy and alive, nevertheless the hand of time churns and death to youth has announced itself.   Yet, despite the fading of my younger self, I see the life emerging in my two kids.  It is here at this intersection of thought where my muses traveled. Miles and Asa, and all the new ones emerging onto the scene now stand in a world that is dramatically different than the one of my childhood.   Chronic sickness has bloomed and has impacted everyone upon the snow globe.  Things are turning at a faster and faster rate and yet we feel behind.  Social media has created a weird landscape of disconnected connection. Infertility and Cancer are seemingly unstoppable. Men and women seem at odds and governments around the world seemingly do not care.  Things can seem bleak. Sorry for painting such a picture, but I feel that until we look at the woes we can not move forward. So let us sit with the pain for a moment.   Let us breath for a moment.   Take your time, and do not push away the ugliness.....Go there...

Outdated thoughts of waiting for a knight in shining armor, a messiah, or in our modern case, a government to do the right thing continue to dominate the landscape. All the while we sit, like children, waiting to be saved.  For centuries we have waited, and waited and waited, and after all of the waiting, this is the world that we now live in.   

While waiting has seemed sensible. For some reason we seem hard wired to believe that someone else is going to pick up the trash. We have to ask ourselves the question, Is more waiting going to change anything?

I know that I have waited too long, and although my hair is greying, and body aching more these days I have realized that it is time to grow up. There is no one except you and I that can dig ourselves out of this lovely mess.  Let us not drop into denial mode.  Let us just look.  The stats present some inescapable realities.  

Now, as we look at the pile of trash it is so easy to get overwhelmed.  The mind turns, "It is just to big."  The urge to run to social media, TV, wine, food, work or bury ourselves in busy production is so tempting.  I encourage you to look.  I am looking with you. We can do this....Oh there is the pain, oh there is the shame. Oh there is the guilt..."Let's run." The mind says. This reaction is not different from a child hiding from the boogie man.   Is running going to change the fear?  Let's look again. 

I know it hurts. I want to turn from my loneliness. I want to run into the arms of another, and yet even after that embrace the monster is still there... "Damn!"  ... That did not work...

Let's dig deep and realize that when we sit long enough in the wound we awaken to see that we are the boogie man and we have only been running from ourselves.  This may sound like terrible news, but it truly is the gospel.  After all once we see that we are the culprit, we understand that we are the solution.  At first it this is a kick in the groin. It is a blow that the mind loves to evade. However, are we going to take the medicine or just keep waiting?

This is where my journey of death comes full circle. If we are going to celebrate this journey into growing up we must, on behalf of our children's future, die to our childish ways.   I wish I could tell you that this is a one and done event, but life is more tidal than that.  So welcome the journey into the arms of the abyss.   Welcome loneliness again and do not run.  Keep looking, keep feeling, and keep breathing. 

Do this as many times until the pain no longer pangs upon your heart.  I am here with you.  

The pain of the world and of you when pierced with care and attention pulls us from the illusion of other and puts us into sole relationship with self. Only here can we be accountable for the mess our our own lives and in turn take out the world's trash.  Only here can we wake up from the old myth of waiting and step forward as the grown ups that the children of tomorrow will need.

​Take a deep breath.  It is not as big of a task as your mind makes it out to be. Just feel. 

My time as a kid is over. The wheel has turned and there is no going back. However, my time as a mature gardener has arrived and I stand poised to tend the garden of life. My kids, your kids, and all of the future kids of tomorrow need not children to raise them, but rather they need grown ups to guide them into the world that we have all been waiting for. Now isn't that ironic. 

Much love to you all on the quest.  Dig deep and let the fire of pain burn away your Childhood ways.   It is time to grow up.  We are the ones we have been waiting for. PEACE

<![CDATA[Discomfort as a Bridge]]>Fri, 05 Jan 2018 17:57:06 GMThttps://studioavani.com/thoughtful-inquiries/discomfort-as-a-bridgePicture

Lately I have been playing with the Wim Hoff approach. This is a method in which breathing and ice immersion play a large role in supporting our bodies in remembering the power of being uncomfortable.  It has a common myth in our modern day society to associate comfort with happiness.  The Wim Hoff method, in addition to many methods used throughout the ages, dispel the myth of comfort and place the participant into a challenging ritual.  Whether it is ice immersion, or a Native American sweat lodge, the fundamental practice is to go beyond the mental obstacles that often limit us in unlocking our fullest capacity.  Even in physical exertion how often do we witness the mind quit when the body has abundance?  

Our bodies are designed for so much more, however, for many of us, when we are confronted with challenge, we often  believe a lie that claims impossibility or we fight back.  Whether it is the challenge of a financial burden, the challenge of a relationship, or the challenge of the body not working as hoped, discomfort will eventually come in our lives.  In the world we live, we have created devices, technologies and medicines that enable us to bypass discomfort, or we rely on mental lies that state that we are right to avoid feeling the discomfort. However, in many of the ancient traditions bypassing discomfort was not an option, and often it was understood in the psychology of the ancient systems that pain was a bridge for healing.

There is wisdom in these ancient systems and when we connect to discomfort instead of avoiding it or resisting it, our bodies rises to the challenge. However, if we do not allow ourselves to connect to the discomfort, we never utilize the bridge in our natural mechanisms to support us moving over the discomfort.  

Just the other day I had a client's husband yell at me in the clinic because I was late to the appointment by 2 minutes.  As he yelled, my knee jerk reaction wanted to fight and for a moment I tried to defend. Fortunately, as the pain hit, and the discomfort sunk in, I tuned into breathing, I let go and surrendered to the natural process. In a beautiful way, it was like standing in a wind storm and just letting the wind blow.  I allowed the wind in  my mind to blow in the same way I allowed his angry words to blow.  By the end of the transaction, it felt healing for me to apologize for being late. 

This experience is not any different than sitting in the cold snow.  The discomfort hits, and then the surrender allows the cold to be met with understanding and ease.  

Pain is a bridge.  Discomfort is a bridge, and where it takes us is not just beyond the pain, bur more importantly, it takes us to our truth.  Who are we when we stop believing the lies in our heads?  Who are we when we stop believing the conditioning of society? 

These are the timeless questions, and in the end the only way to uncover them is for you to unify with your whole life and not just the moments of comfort.  

Deepen into your life and cross the bridge.  

<![CDATA[Awareness ]]>Sun, 06 Mar 2016 14:07:28 GMThttps://studioavani.com/thoughtful-inquiries/awarenessHave you ever noticed that you can witness your own thoughts? 
Have you ever realized that you do not have to believe your thoughts?  
Contemplate,and Discover! 
When the mind moves you do not have to follow. 
Lost in worry, anger, fear. 

No big deal, these are simply mental patterns that are not bound to you. 
and see that when you no longer believe the thoughts moving in your Consciousness, you can feel a space of ease and flow.

Check it out!   

<![CDATA[Be You]]>Fri, 08 Jan 2016 22:33:49 GMThttps://studioavani.com/thoughtful-inquiries/be-youPicture
Sharks can't fly, Crows can't swim. Sunflowers do not envy the rose, it is just itself. Nature has held this message for time immemorial . Humanity fears the individual landscape , because the feeling of being Alone paralyzes our true intelligence . Uncovering the wisdom of the flower that blooms in the mountain valley where no recognition will be known is essential.

 We must Dance because it is our calling  our Love, our expression , not for the praise. 

In the end the individual has to find so much Self Love, that , somehow, the power of selfishness does not erode the world , but instead pollinates the world with a person , a snow flake, a flower , a creature that the world has and will never see again. In Nature uniqueness serves the whole, and in my heart , I feel, uniqueness will set humanity free, because each person's Love will fit beautifully into the grand mysterious puzzle of Life. 

Your wound is the doctors passion, your dance is the awe of the audience in the way the pollen is the gift for the bee and the outward breath of human is the gift for the tree. Observing life the way it is yields the wonderful gift of understanding that Life just works when we leave it alone and simply allow ourselves to Be one with who we are right Now in the way the bird is just itself, and the leaf is just the leaf. It is really this
simple.  Do not take my word, Go out and Test it.  Go out and Be You, because this is really all there is. 

<![CDATA[Take it to your Practice ]]>Tue, 09 Jun 2015 19:11:51 GMThttps://studioavani.com/thoughtful-inquiries/take-it-to-your-practicePicture
Everything in life is subject to transformation and change. Even the mighty Sequoia eventually submits to the call to return to the earth. Do we fear transition and change, or can we harness its power for healing?  The latter, in my eyes, is a healthier way to walk upon the earth. 

A few weeks during a Yoga class, I was speaking to one of my students who had a history of Cancer. During this candid talk, one of my other students, began to demonstrate a look of concern and worry, and immediately attempted to silence my "innocent" informative chatter with a hand gesturing imploring the conversation to stop.   At that time I apologized to this worried student and wrapped up the conversation. However, in the ensuing days I realized that I had succumbed to a fear within myself, a fear worried about hurting the feelings of another, instead of standing in Power of the the innocence, the Power transition.  Too often we look away from illness, death, disease, discomfort, and in doing so we do ourselves a disservice. We can not tip toe around the harshness of life, in fact we have to walk boldly into the unknown with openness. Only here, with open eyes and hearts, can we learn.  In my reflective reverie, I realized, that instead of stopping the conversation about Cancer, a healthier response would have been to validate the concerns of the worried student, and yet nudge this student into her fears via the gift of Yoga.  

In Peru, the Shamanic tradition of the Quero Indians hold a term called Miqui, which translates into transfer of energy or transformation. Yoga is a healing tradition that offers Miqui.   Instead of ceasing the conversation and returning to the land of ignorance, take your fears, worries and concerns into your practice, into your breath and witness the transformation of fear into understanding.   

To me, this is being both sensitive and responsible. We have looked away for too long, and this is has only led to a path of illness and further illness. It is time to dive into the Shadow lands of fear and the unknown with our Practice and liberate ourselves from the imagined fear of mind.   

Yoga, where movement is medicine of body and mind. 

<![CDATA[Healing in the Abandoned Home]]>Wed, 07 Jan 2015 03:56:43 GMThttps://studioavani.com/thoughtful-inquiries/healing-in-the-abandoned-homePicture
I have been reflecting lately on the story of the prodigal son and how this parable relates to the process of healing the body.  For those not familiar with this biblical tale, it essentially is a symbolic story about a son who abandoned his home, his center, and wandered in the world only to realize that what he was looking for, in the world, was where the story began, in his home. Modern day interpretations of this Archetypal quest, to name two, are the Wizard of Oz, and The Alchemist.  This story, and the stories that carry this message are beautiful, however in the story books, and on the silver screen the tale ends when the hero is embraced at the homestead. However, there is more to this story than merely the welcome home party. There is the work that follows the party.  

In a beautiful way, all of our lives, all of our stories follow this trajectory. Whether we have been lost in power, greed, need for fame, need for control, need for youth, desire for success, or yearnings for love, all our outer attempts to complete our lives are symbolized in these stories as the act of leaving our innocence, departing from our primordial love, leaving our home with the eventual insight that all that we were looking for, is grounded in the center of our being, our home.   

So, how does this relate to healing the body? The body, to me, is yet another representation of home. While the adventure away from home yields excitement and pleasure, the adventure eventually yields a feeling of emptiness, and darkness.  Nevertheless, the hero/heroine driven by the darkness, isolation, and emptiness of the quest, manages to follow the trail back home to the loving embrace of home, the body.  This return to the body, as mentioned before, is where the story ends, but in my discovery, this return is only the first step in the process of healing. 

During the time of the great "outer" adventure, the body was abandoned, and in the manner of an abandoned house with no person home to manage the property, the building begins to break.  Thus, when the human mind returns home, following the embrace of a welcome return, the work to repair the abandoned structure begins.  Awakening to weakness, and illness in the physical body, and engaging in deeply rooted psychological wounds challenges the hero to stay at home after the welcome home sign has been taken down.  With compulsions to abandon the home again,  the hero must dig deep, and rely upon courage and strength to stay and heal the body. Yes,  departing is a temptation, but these are wounds and weaknesses that must be investigated and understood "Now".  

This critical moment is a choice.  It is a walk across fire, but if the wounds of the body and mind that led to the departure are not challenged, then true transformation and restoration of the abandoned home is not possible.  However, the choice, to stay amidst the stirring of old patterns and wounds, of aching joints and diseased organs is the heros and the heros alone, and yet, the hero need not walk alone.  For centuries, this mythic tale of the hero coming home and rebuilding has been a part of humanities collective story, and for you this too can be, as it has been for me.  We heal our body and mind, by calling upon the strength of our ancestors in times of need, of digging deep and going beyond the afflictions that have haunted us for years. 

Abandoning the home is no longer an option.  The time to heal is now, and the support of our collective humanity is on your side.  I wish you well in the journey home and the strength to reside in the abandoned home to rebuild it anew.  Blessings! 

<![CDATA[The Giving Tree]]>Sat, 21 Dec 2013 19:32:43 GMThttps://studioavani.com/thoughtful-inquiries/the-giving-tree"Free yourself from mental slavery, no one but ourselves can free our mind"

- Bob Marley Picture

One of my favorite children's book is the The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. This story, while simple, in fact holds a very powerful message. As a healer, I often use this book to see how people identify with the story. Do they see the boy as selfish, do they see the tree as naive, or do they see something else? 

In the holistic healing arts, perspective/perception of mind dictates how our life unfolds. If our mind is clouded in pain, we will see pain, if our mind is consumed in stress, life will mirror this stress. If our mind is a pool of peace, the world is seen as kind.  All of the great teachers throughout the ages have commented, in one form or another, that the path to salvation lies within.  The book The Giving Tree offers a simple and effective mirror into the lens of our own mind and can serve as a wonderful teacher in life perspective. 

For me, what seems true about this story, is the focal point of the Tree. The boy, over the course of the tale, simply takes and takes and takes from the tree, and yet at every turn, and with every offering, the Tree, in its place of pure generosity, is Happy.  This Tree asks nothing in return for this boy, and only finds love in being a source of support and sustenance for this boy over the course of their lives.  This Tree yields every fiber of its being and in the end when the Tree has been reduced to a stump, here sits the Tree offering its stump as a loving stool for an aged boy.  

I encourage you to read this story and sit in an honest place of contemplation about how you truly feel about this story.  In this place of honest connection, ask yourself if your perspective and or thoughts serve you, or do they feed a lens of pain and stress?  

If the Tree can be happy at every offering, how can you discover the depth of this unconditional Love in your life?   

As I write this, I do not have the answer for you, and all I can do is ask you to read the story and begin the dialogue with your heart.  Teachers come in so many shapes and forms, and to me the message in all of the teachings is clear, reconnect with your heart, use your heart to feel your truth, and in your truth you will be free.  Go within and see what unfolds.  Go within, inquire and see what feels true to you. Go within and be free! 

I look forward to hearing from you.  Blessings on the journey. 


<![CDATA[Emancipate and Celebrate  ]]>Thu, 31 Oct 2013 02:07:08 GMThttps://studioavani.com/thoughtful-inquiries/emancipate-and-celebrateWhat would happen if we, as a modern day culture, departed from the assumption that our current culture is the apex of human achievement?  What would happen if we viewed reality through a lens of creativity versus progression?   

For me, as a healer and as a human, I have found it refreshing to release the belief and assumption that there is a right and wrong way to approach life,  and in doing so, my eyes have opened up to the infinite possibilities of human expression. 

In the end, what divides our unity, is our underlying beliefs and assumptions about reality. 

Why do conventional medical professional not believe the healing powers of Shamans?   

Why is not socially acceptable  for same sex couples to openly love?  

Why does our culture have faith in money, and yet not faith in the miracle of the spiraling milky way? 

If we investigate our inner landscape the answer to these stated questions becomes clear. The only wall obscuring our perspective is our landscape of beliefs dictating how we see reality. Hence, if we drop these assumptions and disconnect from the belief of "This is Right, and That is Wrong", we immediately open our mind to a life much greater than possibly considered. 

In the TED Talk link below, Wade Davis, Ethnobotanist, explores the myriad ways cultures view reality.  His voice and message is clear. Let us not look upon the differences through a lens of wrong and right, but rather celebrate the achievement of the human mind in creating infinite ways of navigating and dreaming life into being. 

Surrender to the notion of right and wrong and go out tonight under the starry sky and communicate to the sky, the moon, and stars while dancing with the ancient ones singing beneath your feet.  

If you believe it, it is real, and the only one limiting your vision is yourself.   In the beautiful words of the late Bob Marley, "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, no one but ourselves can free our minds".    Enjoy the liberation, enjoy the Ted Talk. 

TED Talk: Wade Davis ]]>