"The Path to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions"
- Anonymous
If we take this principle and apply it to our relationship with others, we quickly realize how often we obstruct life and persons as we strive to change others for some hidden agenda. Changing persons to comply to an inner belief structure,to the Toltecs was defined as domestication.
For me, as a healer, early in my career, I often tried to change people, or bodies, or disease conditions to acquire some validation of my worth. From my point of view, "How could I be a healer if people did not get better? "
However, over the years I have learned that this motivation was truly oriented on satisfying a personal agenda and was not oriented on the well being of the other. In other words, I was asserting my point of view of health and healing on others in an attempt to make myself feel better. I was trying to domesticate others to feel good about myself. Yikes!
In the end, this point of view and the action that stemmed forth from this point of view led me into a total collapse of energy and coerced me to re-evaluate my belief structures. The Toltec teachings, among other wisdom teachings, were instrumental in supporting my mind to a place of harmony with the way life is, versus always trying to domesticate life to comply to some inner agenda or blue print on how life should unfold.
When we try to domesticate others, even in the name of good intention, we assume a posture of superiority and this posture fails to see the inherent beauty of life in the moment. I can remember arguing with my parents over why eating non organic foods was harming their body. Yes, in the end, it is probably better to eat organically, however, if my agenda asserts itself without harmonizing with the relationship at hand, then a war ensues and this war divides hearts. To be honest, as much as I would love my parents to eat better, I have found that it is better to be in harmony with the way they are and to simply love them for who they are. This reminds me of a passage from the Beatitudes, "Blessed are the Peace Makers".
Lately, I am finding that we need to exfoliate our minds of beliefs that divide our relationship with the present moment and to simply live fully engaged in the miracle of this moment as it is. This is not a new teaching, in fact it is an Ancient teaching beyond time and space, and because of this timeless nature this teachings renews itself in our hearts and mind with every moment.
My challenge to you in this moment, is to examine your struggles, your dramas, your pains and look to see what belief lies beneath the surface dividing your heart from Life. My challenge, like the challenge of the Toltecs, is to ask you to see what happens when you just let life unfold as it is without trying to domesticate it. Many questions of the mind will arise, but these questions are simply the mind struggling to relinquish control. Place yourself in your heart and just let life be. The mind will struggle, however, if it is of any use, during these times of mental doubt, remember there is a sun, a moon, a planet and an entire Universe completely unfolding, miraculously, without a need for control. This Universal energy is organizing this life in your kitchen, car, bedroom, or workplace, and it does not need to be domesticated in order for it to beautifully do its thing.
Step back, take a deep breath, and be at peace with life, In fact just Be!!
Peace and Blessings on the Journey...: ) A