For thousands of years indigenous cultures have spoken of an animated world in which the voice of life, if connected to, could be heard in trees, rocks, animals and air. These cultures believed that the whole world was teeming with the knowledge of the cosmos and for these cultures, they guided their living based upon the communication between their community and the larger natural world.
This view, and way of life slowly faded from the world paradigm as Western civilization spread itself upon the landscape, and yet, now, modern day scientists and thinkers are beginning to return to these ancient roots to reanimate this natural relationship with the living voice of nature. Could the answer for global climate change, poverty, human injustice , Cancer and modern day illness be offered in a return to the ancestral point of view that all is living and all is intelligent?
Consider the audio conversation in light of this Blog passage.
Perhaps if we begin to listen, we can move forward as a technologically advanced culture tempered by the roots of our ancient heritage.